Monday, April 30, 2012

Term 1 and 2 Learning Goals

So What I think I am going really well with some of my goal. I am really good at telling someone what I am reading about.We have been doing reading activities on the story so we understand what we are reading about in the story.

Now What To get more information on what I am reading so I understand more about what I am reading.

So What I think I am doing really well with my goal are I am really good at doing a plan. We have been doing some writing like my first memory,my favorite story is,my proudest moment is and what I did after school my my, my favorite was my proudest moment because it had lots of information in it.

Now What I need to learn to do more paragraphs.

So What I think I am going really well with some of my goal is getting high scores in basic facts so I can speed up my basic facts I am really good at my 2,5,9 and my 10 time tables.We have been leaning Symmetry,Reflective,Rotate and Translate  in my math .I am doing really well with Symmetry,Reflective,Rotate and Translate.

Now What I need to learn to use addition and multiplication strategies in a range of ways to solve a problems.

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